
National Dance Day Celebration

Throwing it back to Open House on this Thursday! In addition to the new faces, returning students and smiles all around - we danced! The kick off of Dance Stop Studios' 43rd season included celebrating dance together as part of the National Dance Day movement. Most noteworthy was that our own Ms. Mychael O'Brien and Ms. Aimee LaBrecque taught the official National Dance Day choreography to the crowd. A huge thank you to for creating an annual event that encourages Americans to embrace dance as a fun and positive way to maintain good health. Thank you to all who joined in the fun. Consequently, we had a great time and would love to have you "Come dance with us!"

Chakras Workshop

Chakras provide a powerful framework for self-discovery and growth. They are psycho-spiritual energy centers where the physical, mental and spiritual converge in a wholistic system of subtlety, symbolism and patterning that play out in your every day life. Join Kori for this weekend intensive as she skillfully dissects each of the major seven chakras into palatable...
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Celebrate National Dance Day

Join us in observing National Dance Day during our Open House, Saturday, July 30th. Open House will take place 10am-4pm, and will be complete with performances by our Company dancers (performances begin at noon) as well as an opporunity to learn the official National Dance Day choreography, taught by our own Ms. Mychael O'Brien and Dance...
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Fall Self-Care Workshop

Is making Self-Care a priority on your to-do list? The Roll Model® Method - Ball Sequencing and Innovation workshop is coming to Dance Stop Studios on Sunday, September 11 and is open to all levels of student/educator/clinician. If you have been introduced to the Yoga Tune Up® Therapy Balls and are inspired...
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Organized Chaos

In the spirit of this frenetic, head spinning time of year - field days, recitals, proms, graduations, weddings and more - we would like to offer you an opportunity to get lost in "Organized Chaos". (Performed by the senior levels of The Dance Stop Company. Choreography by Ray Hall.)

2016 Fitness Schedule

Our 2016 Fitness Schedule is updated and ready for you to reference! Print it out and stick it on the fridge, keep a copy in the car tuck it away in your gym bag. Wherever you go, take this with you so you know when your schedule jives with our schedule. Let us help you...
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